Workforce Development

APGA represents America's publicly owned natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs), and the safety of their community and customers is both our and our members' top priority. The resources on this page are to help our members hire a skilled and inclusive workforce that will upgrade and maintain their energy infrastructure needs.

Industry Resources

Center for Energy Workforce Development |

The Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) is a non-profit consortium of energy companies, contractors, associations, unions, educators, and business partners working together to ensure a skilled, diverse workforce pipeline to meet future industry needs.  Visit their GetIntoEnergy website at which aims to build awareness among students, teachers, military veterans, transitioning workers, and others about the fantastic career opportunities available in the energy industry.

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AGA Workforce Development Compendium

The 2019 AGA Workforce Training Compendium, compiled by AGA’s Workforce Development Task Group, highlights opportunities offered by community colleges, non-profit associations, and other third parties to prepare candidates for careers in the natural gas industry.

View the report.

Gas Industry Events Calendar |

Visit today to learn about upcoming natural gas events! Gas Industry Events Calendar website is run by APGA in coordination with Ed Young Sales Company (EYSCO) to display a comprehensive online listing of conferences, trainings, and events for the natural gas industry listed by location, date, and hosts. Sign up for the monthly newsletter so you can stay up-to-date on new events added, and a roundup of all the events listed.

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Best Practice Sharing & Resources

APGA's Workforce Development Task Group helps in developing resources for APGA members to assist in addressing workforce-related challenges. Below are peer-created resources by category and our Workforce Development Community library for you to browse.

Employee Retention

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Employee On-Boarding

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Employee Recruitment

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Community Outreach

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Workforce Development Webinars

APGA has offered many webinars on workforce development topics. Browse the recordings below and go to our Workforce Development section of our APGA Educational Webinar Library. GO TO WEBINAR LIBRARY

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