Press Releases and Statements

APGA Supports the Lower Energy Costs Act 

03-15-2023 10:47 AM


Stuart Saulters, Vice President of Government Relations

Phone: (202) 464-2742



APGA Supports the Lower Energy Costs Act


Washington, D.C. (March 15, 2023) – The American Public Gas Association (APGA), representing more than 730 municipally owned natural gas systems in 38 states, issued the following statement in response to the introduction of H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act: 


“APGA applauds leadership in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Majority Leader Steve Scalise, for recognizing the critical need to ensure affordable and reliable energy. APGA supports H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, and its goal to reduce the regulatory burdens that impede the expansion of energy infrastructure.


The inclusion of important policy changes to the pipeline permitting process will help to transport the robust domestic energy supply to areas of demand in our country, benefiting all Americans. Public gas utilities are proud to be part of the energy value chain that is committed to safely providing their customers with affordable and reliable energy.  Lawmakers must support — not hinder — efforts to bolster, expand and maintain our nation’s resilient pipeline infrastructure and its ability to deliver clean, efficient energy to over 180 million Americans in homes and businesses across the country at low prices.


To help energy consumers, APGA encourages Congress to support legislation that will keep energy affordability, reliability and security front and center for years to come.”

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