Press Releases and Statements

APGA Supports ICC’s Recent Board Decisions on the IECC 

03-21-2024 12:39 PM


Sydney Novoa, Manager of Regulatory Affairs

Phone: (202) 464-0834



APGA Supports ICC’s Recent Board Decisions on the IECC


Washington, D.C. (March 21, 2024) – The American Public Gas Association (APGA), representing more than 700 local, municipally-owned natural gas systems in 38 states, issued the following statement in response to the International Code Council (ICC) Board’s recent decisions on its appeals:


“APGA commends the ICC Board’s decision to exclude our contested provisions from the base code to appropriately align with the scope and intent governing the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).


We are also reassured to see that the ICC Board aims to publish codes that preserve consumer choice, including the option to choose efficient and reliable natural gas in buildings. Through this action, the ICC Board acknowledged the significant risk of federal preemption from the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) that a number of provisions posed. We applaud them for providing jurisdictions with additional information to best inform their code and standard adoption decisions.


Transparent and robust development procedures are critical to success, as ICC codes and standards are adopted by a range of states and municipalities. The ICC appeals process, which provided all stakeholders with an opportunity to engage, is an example of effective code development practices. On behalf of our members, APGA advocates for consumers’ access to efficient, affordable, and reliable energy in their homes. APGA looks forward to further engagement with ICC and all stakeholders in future code development efforts.”





APGA is the national association of municipally and publicly-owned local distribution systems. There are about 1,000 public gas systems serving more than 6 million customers. These public gas utilities are not-for-profit retail distribution entities that are owned by, and accountable to, the citizens they serve. They include municipal gas distribution systems, public utility districts, county districts, and other public agencies that have natural gas distribution facilities.


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