Press Releases and Statements

APGA Responds to Stanford Study on Gas Stoves 

01-31-2022 11:55 AM



Dave Schryver, President and CEO


APGA Responds to Stanford Study on Gas Stoves

Washington, D.C. (January 28, 2022) – The American Public Gas Association (APGA), representing more than 700 municipally and publicly owned natural gas systems in 38 states, issued the following statement in response to a recent report by Stanford University on the emissions of natural gas stoves:

“The one-sided viewpoint presented by Stanford’s recent study into the safety of cooking with natural gas discounts the fact that both gas and electric stoves release emissions, and that indoor air quality is just as dependent on the type of food cooked, length of cooking and ventilation as the energy source being used. Since the Stanford study’s limited sampling does not fully account for these factors and does not provide comparisons between different energy sources, APGA urges caution in interpreting the study’s results.

Federal regulations based on tests and research from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and other federal agencies do not consider gas ranges to be a health hazard for consumers. This has been a position taken by administrations, both republican and democrat, over many years. However, the American Public Gas Association (APGA) and our members are committed to helping educate customers throughout the country on ways to reduce emissions from the cooking process and the importance of proper ventilation, a point highlighted by a recent study conducted by Catalyst Environmental Solutions and the California Restaurant Association.”



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