Press Releases and Statements

APGA Applauds House for Introducing Resolution to Disapprove Flawed Water Heater Rulemaking 

30 days ago


Joshua St.Pierre, Senior Manager of Legislative Affairs 



APGA Applauds House for Introducing Resolution to Disapprove Flawed Water Heater Rulemaking 

Washington, D.C. (January 15, 2025)The American Public Gas Association (APGA), representing more than 730 communities across the U.S. that own and operate their retail natural gas distribution entities, issued the following statement in response to the introduction of a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution of disapproval in the House of Representatives related to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) recent rulemaking revising its minimum efficiency standards for gas-fired instantaneous water heaters (GIWHs). 


“APGA applauds House efforts to disapprove DOE’s recently updated efficiency standards for gas-fired instantaneous water heaters by utilizing Congress’s CRA authority. APGA strongly supports energy efficiency and practical energy conservation standards for consumer water heaters. However, if this rule is not disapproved, it becomes the latest appliance regulation that will eliminate an affordable and efficient appliance option for Americans.” 


“APGA appreciates Congressman Palmer taking action to roll back a greatly flawed DOE rulemaking that wrongfully limits consumer choice. This rule is the latest of several impacting gas-fired appliances in which the agency has failed to appropriately evaluate the negative impact that it will have on American consumers and manufacturers. Overturning this rule will ensure consumers can continue to choose the water heater that best fits their needs, budget, and homes or businesses. 


“APGA thanks all members of the House that are willing to use the important oversight powers to disapprove this rule under the CRA and call attention to the negative impact it will have on consumer choice and access to affordable appliances best suited for the needs of all American homes and businesses. We particularly thank the co-sponsors including Reps. Julia Letlow of Louisiana, Mike Collins of Georgia, Randy Weber of Texas, Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma, Barry Moore of Alabama, Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Claudia Tenney of New York, Russ Fulcher of Idaho, Jack Bergman of Michigan, Dan Crenshaw of Texas, Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota, Jeff Hurd of Colorado, Jim Baird of Indiana and Eric Burlison of Missouri. 

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