
APGA Engages in Illinois Commerce Commission Future of Gas Workshop

By Sydney Freed posted 9 days ago

On April 22, APGA submitted comments to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) answering the Future of Gas Workshop #2 questions, which is one of a few workshops in Phase 1 of the ICC’s proceeding. 
APGA and its members in Illinois believe the public gas utility infrastructure and workforce can be a part of the energy future in the state. The list of items already determined to be discussed in Phase 1 workshops include gas utility considerations, customer choice, and cost considerations, among others.  APGA felt reliability and resiliency should also be a part of the workshop conversations, so our written comments highlighted this need. The state of Illinois should recognize the ability of public gas utilities, both the people and the pipes, to reliably transport natural gas now and renewable natural gas (RNG) and possibly, hydrogen, in the future. Each of these gaseous fuels can support the state in meeting its sustainability goals, while ensuring Illinois businesses and residents retain access to reliable and resilient energy. 
In addition to highlighting the reliability and resiliency of public gas underground pipeline infrastructure, the comments emphasized innovations that can ensure residents of Illinois have energy when they need it. For instance, micro-combined heat and power (CHP) units, which are typically used in homes or smaller commercial applications and generate electricity by converting gas to power with minimal emissions while also capturing what would be waste thermal energy and instead utilizing it to heat the building.  
Through this proceeding, APGA hopes ICC recognizes that the public gas utilities in Illinois are committed to providing efficient, reliable, and affordable energy, while protecting the environment and promoting equity with minimal disruption to consumer choice. As the state pursues the future of gas, where applicable, APGA requests consideration of the unique operating circumstances of Illinois’s public gas utilities and encourages the continued utilization of their valuable infrastructure and experienced workforce in achieving the state’s clean energy goals. 
To see what was submitted, click here 
For questions on this article, please contact Sydney Freed of APGA staff by phone at 202-464-0834 or by email at
