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APGA Raises Concerns Over ICC Model Code Resource

By Renée Lani posted 08-19-2021 11:46 AM

On August 16, APGA submitted comments in response to the International Code Council's (ICC) request for feedback on its staff draft of electric vehicle (EV) charging code provisions. Through its comments, APGA raised concerns that the ICC was bypassing its own code development procedures by putting out model code language without going through the existing process.

As stakeholders involved in the code development, implementation, and enforcement, APGA members are critical stakeholders in this work. Because building energy codes are adopted at all levels of government, their development must be done through a robust and transparent process. Unfortunately, the resource developed by ICC staff failed to comply with ICC’s own code development procedures and, therefore, should be limited to the examples of similar code provisions promulgated by other jurisdictions without any model code language.

The American Gas Association (AGA) also joined APGA in its comments. A copy of the comments is available here. Additionally, a copy of the edits to the proposed staff draft that APGA also submitted to ICC is available online here.

For questions on this article, please contact Renée Lani of APGA staff by phone at 202-464-0836 or by email at
