This week, around 100 APGA members attended the APGA Winter Board & Committee Meetings and 2025 Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C. APGA members participated in over 80 meetings with congressional offices on Capitol Hill during the APGA Legislative Summit as advocates for the work done every day by community- and publicly-owned gas utilities to provide American communities with affordable and efficient energy. Among other topics addressed with their legislators, APGA members reiterated their support for legislation that will preserve access to natural gas appliances, municipal financing, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). We are happy to report that many of these conversations have already spurred interest amongst offices on Capitol Hill with requests to further engage on APGA’s advocacy priorities. APGA members are still in the process of following up with congressional staffers after their meetings.
In between meetings on Capitol Hill, attendees of the summit heard presentations on topics such as federal policy updates such as energy permitting reform legislation along with best practices on how to advocate for their utilities. The importance of communicating with elected officials year round and using trade association partners, like APGA staff, as a resource was also highlighted.
Follow APGA’s social media pages to see photos and posts of public utility representatives on Capitol Hill! APGA’s social media accounts can be found at Linkedin, X, and Facebook.
The Winter APGA Board & Committee Meetings and 2026 Legislative Summit are scheduled for January 26-29 in Washington, D.C.
For questions on this article, please contact Joshua St.Pierre of APGA staff by phone at 202-407-0015 or by email at